Ladybird, Ladybird fly away home you're house is on fire and your children are gone.

Saturday, 4 June 2011


Who was the single person who invented these unwritten laws of 'love' how does everyone know them? i don't ever remember a class or day at school, Sports day, Relationship day? Maybe i had a virus that day -which is actually very ironic to how infectious infactuation can be! They say love is blind, and by looking at some of my ex boyfriends you can't say they're wrong, personally i don't think love is blind, i think its a vile creature which sneaks up on you from the pits of your own insanity and sometimes against your will drags you into its infactuational state leaving you stupid, yet still not needing a guide dog or a white stick.

It only seems to be the human race that has such big issues with "love" Swans some of the most majestic animals in the world mind their mate and stay together for life, as do penguins all good and well, you dont see them getting a divorce, other animals don't live happily ever after, spiders for example shes takes the male for what she requires and then eats him!? and we judge the people on Jeremy Kyle!

Can somebody please tell me why we complicate things so much?

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